It was revealed that FETO installed an interface to the computers in the 'secret room', which identifies as the "cosmic unit", in Student Selection and Placement Center [OSYM] and stole exam questions even after July 15 coup attempt.
A confessor has uncovered how FETO has stolen OSYM exam questions in the investigation in Ankara. According to the news published in 'Turkiye Gazetesi', it was revealed that FETO has installed an interface to the computers keeps in the 'secret room' that has eyes scanning system for entrance. It has been uncovered that FETO has stolen all the exam questions in the last 15 years.
Ankara Public Prosecutor's Office also detected in December 2016 that FETO installed "interface" program on OSYM's computers in the Secret Room. In this context, it was learned that the organization [FETO] had stolen the questions until December 2016.