Non-domestic producer price index (2010=100) decreased by 0.76% monthly, increased by 37.56% on December of the previous year, by 37.56% on same month of the previous year and by 22.69% on the twelve months moving averages basis in December 2020, according to the statement.
Manufacturing increased by 37.54% annually
ND-PPI in two main sectors of industry increased by 38.24% for mining and quarrying, by 37.54% for manufacturing compared with the previous year.
The indices of main industrial groups; increased by 38.93% for intermediate goods, by 50.24% for durable consumer goods, by 36.26% for non-durable consumer goods, decreased by 11.25% for energy, increased by 37.82% for capital goods, annually.
Manufacturing decreased by 0.72% monthly
ND-PPI in two main sectors of industry decreased by 2.92% for mining and quarrying, by 0.72% for manufacturing compared with the previous month.
The indices of main industrial groups; decreased by 0.36% for intermediate goods, by 0.41% for durable consumer goods, by 1.00% for non-durable consumer goods, increased by 1.77% for energy, decreased by 1.36% for capital goods, monthly.
The only annual decrease was in coke and refined petroleum products by 11.25%
The only rate of annual decrease in ND-PPI by subdivisions of industry was for coke and refined petroleum products by 11.25%. On the other hand, the highest rates of annual increase in ND-PPI by subdivisions of industry were for other manufactured goods by 57.68%, for basic metals by 45.16%, for electrical equipment by 43.80%.
The highest monthly decrease was in metal ores by 3.05%
The highest rates of monthly decrease in ND-PPI by subdivisions of industry were for metal ores by 3.05%, for other transport equipment by 2.89%, for other mining and quarrying products by 2.82%. On the other hand, the highest rates of monthly increase in ND-PPI by subdivisions of industry were for coke and refined petroleum products by 1.77%, for basic metals by 0.88%, for computer, electronic and optical products by 0.23%.