The latest situation regarding coronavirus cases around the world

The latest situation regarding coronavirus cases around the world

Turkish Presidency's Directorate of Communications announced the number of cases, deaths, and discharges in countries affected by coronavirus (Covid-19) throughout the world as of March 28, 2020, 21:00.

Directorate of Communications shared a post on its Twitter account, stating that the number of people infected with Covid-19, which broke out in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei province in China, exceeded 630 thousand, more than 29 thousand people lost their lives and more than 138 thousand people recovered throughout the world.

The post also provided information regarding the current situation in Turkey, and noted:

“Turkey has conducted a total of 55,464 tests so far. The total number of confirmed coronavirus cases has reached 7,402, while 108 citizens have lost their lives and 70 patients have recovered.”


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