The U.S. commits war crimes, Zarif says

The U.S. commits war crimes, Zarif says

Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif slammed the United States for sanctions imposed on his country amid coronavirus pandemic.

“US has gone from sabotage & assassinations to waging an economic war & economic terrorism on Iranians—to medical terror amidst covid19 pandemic in Iran. This even exceeds what would be permissible on the battlefield. STOP aiding WAR CRIMES. STOP obeying IMMORAL & ILLEGAL US sanctions,” Zarif tweeted on Sunday.

The UK, Pakistan and many other countries are urging the US to ease sanctions on Iran to help it fight the growing coronavirus pandemic.

According to the experts, Iran’s capacity to fight the coronavirus pandemic has been hampered by the United States’ economic sanctions, and the number of death toll is likely much higher than it would have been as a result.


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